Drum roll please …….. we are delighted to announce the winners of our Kind Matters ‘Animals at Home’ Photography Competition 2024!
We were blown away by the incredible number of entries we received!
Not only were the entrants judged on their photography skills and techniques, but they also had to capture their animal(s) living a good life in their home environment.
With a focus on environment, we asked you to think about where their animal(s) live and to consider how a safe and comfortable home environment supports an animal to live a happy and healthy life.
Each photo showcased your creativity, photography skills, and love for your furry, feathered and scaly friends.
Choosing one winner for each category was a real challenge. Our head judge, Jo Moore, carefully reviewed all the amazing photos, and we are excited to share the first and second place entries below along with a few words from her.

Maia-Akira - Beautiful image. I love that the kitten is reflected in the glass and the photographer has captured a "moment in time”. I also enjoy the composition of the image with the kitten being in the bottom left - your eye is then drawn up to the blue sky. The viewer of the image wonders what the kitten is watching. I think this is a really lovely image. The kitten is clearly loving looking out the window and has a great, cosy spot in the window to safely watch the world go by.
Claudia - The first thing you see is those beautiful golden eyes looking directly at the camera. The orange of the cupboard or draw below emphasizes that warm hue of the eyes. It's also delightful that the cat is resting their chin on their fluffy paw. Looks very comfortable.
Max - What a happy image. You can't help but smile along with the dog. Like the close-up composition - you can see the little bubbles in his mouth! Well exposed and an interesting angle.
Isla - I like that the first thing that draws your eye is the bright shiny eyes of the dog who looks supremely happy and snuggly in their cosy bed. The image is nice and sharp, well exposed and the dog is the clear focus - good composition.
Lincoln - Beautiful close up of the cow's nose - you can really see a lot of fine detail. I love that you can see those pretty eyes behind with their long lashes. The colours are great in this image.
Annabelle - It took me a second to realise that the second rabbit is not real. I like that little twist in the image - makes you look again. The bright flowers draw the viewer's eye down to the rabbit's blue eyes then out to those fantastic whiskers!
Finley - Admiring that the photographer was able to capture the large fish actually in the shelter. Great timing! Well exposed, bright colours and I enjoy the diggers bucket leading the eye down to the orange fish.
Congratulations everyone! Here are a few of the happy winners.