Inspectors play an essential role in the work of the SPCA centres around New Zealand. They are at the frontline of the SPCA’s mission to prevent cruelty to animals. An SPCA Inspector’s primary role is to respond to complaints about the ill-treatment or neglect of animals in the community.
SPCA Inspectors work with communities to teach people how to look after their animals. Education is so important, as animals are often unintentionally neglected and those responsible are genuinely upset by the incident. In many of these cases, the Inspector can help both the person and animal(s) by providing information and positive education.
In more serious cases of neglect or cases where animal abuse/harm is intentional, SPCA Inspectors have the ability to issue Formal Warnings or prosecute offenders, with their ultimate goal being to effect behavioural change and ensure it does not happen again. Some instances may require court action, so Inspectors also need to gather evidence and prepare a prosecution file.
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