
Ducks are living beings with needs, wants and feelings, just like you and I. They require time, money, care, understanding and commitment. Having ducks in your life can be a wonderful experience and very rewarding, but only if you think through your decision very carefully before you adopt and ensure you and your family understand and accept all that will be required of you as a responsible, caring duck guardian (owner).

Animal Care - Ducks

Fun facts
Fun facts
Fun facts

Ducks have been domesticated for at least 4000 years.

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Fun facts

Some breeds of ducks are able to lay over 230 eggs a year.  

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Fun facts

Ducks are classified as waterfowl – this means they have an innate need to be in and around water.

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Fun facts

Ducks are very social animals and need the company of other ducks to be happy.

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Fun facts

A male duck is called a drake.

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Fun facts

Ducks go to the toilet about every half hour.

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Fun facts

Ducks can see things in more detail and from a further distance than humans – they can even see a wider range of colours than we can!

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Fun facts

Ducks are capable of sleeping with one eye open.

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Fun facts

Ducks’ bills have nerve endings which allow them to search for food through touch.

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Fun facts

Ducks have approximately 400 taste buds, while humans have 9,000.

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Fun facts

Ducklings imprint on their mothers which means they form an extremely strong bond that allows them to recognize, trust, and follow their mums.

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Fun facts

Not only are ducks’ eyes on the side of their heads to help keep them safe, but they’re able to move each eye independently.

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Fun facts

Ducks should never be fed bread.  

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Fun facts

Male Muscovy ducks tend to puff and hiss as opposed to quacking.

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Fun facts

Indian runner ducks get their name from their upright “running” posture.

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Fun facts

It is a myth that duck quacks do not echo.

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Fun facts

Ducks enjoy sleeping throughout the day and night, as well as being active in both the day and night.