Cattle are herbivores – this means they only eat plants and no meat.

Baby cattle are called “calves”

Cattle are social animals, and form close friendships. Cattle will usually choose to spend much of their time with their favourite cattle friends and may dislike particular cattle.

In India, cattle are considered sacred and are allowed to roam the streets freely.

Due to farming, there are over a billion cattle in the world.

Cattle usually weigh between 720 – 1100kg!

Cattle can live up to 25 years old.

Catte are ruminants. This means that they have four stomachs!

Cattle spots are unique, like humans’ finger prints. No two cattle's spots are exactly the same!

Cows cannot produce milk until she has had a calf.

Cattle only have bottom teeth.

Cattle swallow their food, spit it back up, and chew it all over again. This is called ‘chewing the cud’, and is part of how their special stomach works.

Cattle can hold up to 190 litres of food that has been partially digested in their stomach.

Cattle stand up and lay down about 14 times a day.

Cattle have a great sense of smell and can smell up to 9km away!

Cattle do not actually bite grass - instead, they curl their tongue around it.

Cattle can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.

Cattle can doze standing up, but they only sleep deeply when lying down.

Cattle are very curious and inquisitive animals who will often investigate anything new!