Meet Raj

Raj is an SPCA Inspector. As an SPCA Inspector, Raj’s primary role is to respond to calls about the ill-treatment or neglect of a range of animals in the community. Some of these calls maybe to emergency situations where animals require immediate assistance or rescue. Some instances may require court action, so the inspector is required to gather evidence and prepare a prosecution file.

Warranted inspectors, like Raj, are legally able to enforce the ‘The Animal Welfare Act 1999’ to assist abused and neglected animals they have investigated.

Another significant part of an SPCA Inspector's role is education. Often, animals are unintentionally neglected and those owners responsible are genuinely upset by the incident. In these cases, the inspector can provide information and positive education to help the animal’s owner make the changes needed to ensure the animal’s welfare needs are being met.

Some SPCA centres have only one inspector, but other experienced SPCA Inspectors are always just a phone call away for advice and assistance.

An inspector’s job is rewarding but it can be very stressful, dealing with abused animals and sometimes potentially violent situations with the animal owners.