Fish use their mouths for both taste and smell.

Fish can breathe underwater thanks to their gills, which filter oxygen out of the water.

Fish have an organ called the “swim bladder.” This organ allows them to control their position in water.

Goldfish have teeth located in their throats that help them crush food.

It is a myth that fish have short memories.

Goldfish and Betta (or Siamese Fighting Fish) are among some of the fish breeds that can be trained.

Some fish have 7 different types of fins!

Goldfish are the most common fish companion animal in New Zealand.

Fish will learn to recognize their guardians.

Most fish can see in colour.

Fish do not have eyelids, so they sleep with their eyes open.

Betta Fish all have unique tail shapes.

Happy, Betta Fish build bubble nests on the surface of their tanks.

There are over 30,000 known species of fish.

Fish scales usually have a layer of slime that helps them travel through water.

Someone who studies fish is called an ichthyologist.

Fish are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone.

Fins help fish move efficiently in the water.

A group of fish is called a “school.”

Fish are one of the oldest animal families on earth.